
"Every day, each and every one of us can stand up against racial prejudice and disrespectful attitudes. Let's build a world beyond racism and discrimination, where we can all exercise our human rights"



As a migrant in Europe, I had hard time finding something similar to her home, the Philippines. But as time goes by, she learned, with the help of people, who looked her beyond her skin color and origin, that home is not only a place, but also the community that makes it and the sense of who we are.



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Sixth Day


In the sixth day we launched our campaigns on the social media such as IG and TikTok. Also, we presented the campaign in a meeting to all the group for discussing about the topics. Overall we had a great number of activities and sessions that enabled us to comprehend many problematic areas in our society as well as in our media culture. ...

Fifth Day


The fifth day was our free afternoon and we spent it going for a boat trip. When the boat party finished we had some time to walk and go shopping in Kemer to buy some souvenirs or turkish delights for our friends or parents when we will return to our homes.

What is media literacy? Why is it important to be media literate?Media offers vary greatly in their quality. Not everyone follows the journalistic ideal, not everything we read is objective and true. So we have to learn to separate what is true and what is false or fake.Media literacy is the ability to identify different types of media and...

A brief conceptual analysis is needed in order to specify what notions of power are involved in such an approach to the role of the news media. I limit this analysis to properties of social or institutional power and ignore the more idiosyncratic dimensions of personal influence, for example, those of individual journalists. Thus, social power here...

Fourth Day


In the forth day we started our antidiscrimination campaigns. We worked on them during the morning and we made a presentation of our main ideas and SWOT during the afternoon. The presentation was done in front of a jury which provided us some feedback.

The consequences of media hatred and discrimination are very severe because they can cause depression, alienation, sexism, division of religion and so on. In general, they are used via media to target an even bigger population because nowadays, media is the biggest pool filled with information. To recognized the consequences we were introduced to...

The fake news


Participants are divided into groups to prepare the public event called The fake news.

Although Islam began as a religion in the Middle East and its holiest sites are located there, the region is home to only about 20% of the world's Muslims. As of 2010, there were 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, which is roughly 23% of the world's population, according to a Pew Research Center estimate. While many people think that...

Third Day


In the third day, we had the opportunity to check the reality in our countries, we did the activity called Step forward and then, by national teams, we present the main problems of our media in our countries. After lunch, the greek group introduced the problem tree Spanish group presented the forum theater and by groups, we represented one of...

Second Day


The second day we learnt about what Erasmus+ offers us, the key competences and all the actions within the programmer. UE does a great effort to develop a capable youth generation which work in the same way to improve our society. In the afternoon, we dived into the topic with an activity about analyzing cases of fake news, the motivations...

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